Multi-Tier System of Supports

What It Is:
As educators, we always strive to help our students succeed. Sometimes this means implementing
Response to Intervention (RTI), or more recently, Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) in the
classroom as a way to intervene to support struggling students. While RTI focuses primarily on academic
instruction, intervention, and assessments based on progress-monitoring and data-driven decision-
making, MTSS focuses on that and then some by also emphasizing non-academic needs (social and
emotional). Combining our concentrations on both is becoming increasingly common and necessary for
the success of our students as it covers a much broader range of interventions.

How eDoctrina Helps:
eDoctrina helps drive the RTI process by providing educators with tools that make it easy to monitor
student progress using customizable forms to match their current process. Our RTI/MTSS student goal
tracking module creates graphs based on the interventions being used so multiple staff can collaborate
on a goal to ensure consistency in instruction. It is easy to keep parents, students and district staff up-to-
date on student progress using our personalized templates designed to include important goal
information. Coupled with eDoctrina's robust data reports, our program provides teachers with all of the
information necessary to ensure student success.

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