Whether you’re looking to administer Formative and Summative assessments, gather scores used in accountability, gain insight into overall teacher and student performance or just looking for a way to make teachers lives easier, eDoctrina has you covered! Our assessments solutions foster collaboration between, teachers, parents and students around progress toward learning goals. They also allow support teachers, such as special education, RTI and
other intervention specialists, to access assessment results on students they support, even if they were not the teacher who administered the assessments.

The Assessment Builder gives teachers the ability to build and print assessments directly within eDoctrina®. Teachers can write their own direct-response (multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, Rubric-based) or teacher-scored questions and link standards to them. You can also build online assessments that are aligned to your state requirements using technology enhanced item types and rigor that mirror high stakes assessments.

More states continue to transition to computer-based testing (CBT) as part of their commitment to both meeting the needs of 21st century learners and improving test delivery, test integrity, scoring validity, and turn-around time on testing results. The need for a system to prepare students will continue to grow. Our online assessments can be assigned & taken using a PC, laptop, iPad, tablet, smart-phone or a variety of other computing devices. This solution has been developed to be very student-friendly and is applauded by our partners for ease of use. Online assessments can be used to deliver traditional classroom assessments, benchmarks or simply to deliver homework assignments. The assessment can be reassigned multiple times if desired. Our online assessments can deliver Technology Enhanced Items like those found on PARCC and Smarter Balanced Assessments. These are just some of the items available: audio recording, virtual ruler, virtual protractor, reading ruler, highlighting, sketch pad, drop box, timer, and many more…

Have teachers worried about using new technology? Would still love to gather meaningful data? With paper-based assessments you can have the best of both worlds. In many cases, teachers or curriculum specialists already have an assessment created but need a quick way to generate meaningful data reports. In this case, the user simply builds an answer key in eDoctrina for the assessment that the teacher has already created. The answer key can be generated with a few mouse clicks and then the answer and point value for each question is selected. Constructed response items, which we refer to as “Teacher Scored Items” (short answer, extended response, rubric-based…), can appear in any order within the assessment. One or more standards / skills can be linked to each question, providing more meaningful data reports.

WeBCAM / Mobile Phone
Looking for instant feedback? Our WeBCAM / Mobile Scanning feature allows teachers to scan assessment answer sheets using their Smart phone, iPad, Document camera, or built-in computer camera. eDoctrina will auto-grade the answer sheets and the results will be available immediately.

eDoctrina prides itself on having a wide range of flexible answer sheets to accommodate virtually any paper-based assessment need. Answer sheets are custom for each assessment and print with assessment, teacher and student identification information pre-populated. Student and roster information is typically updated in our system nightly through automated data integration. We work with school and district staff members to turn your networked copy machines into answer sheet scanners (saving you money on expensive hardware!). Teachers just load their bubble sheets into the machine, press the “send” button and eDoctrina will auto-grade answer sheets. Turnaround time for results is typically less than 5 minutes.

Based Assessments
Need to administer assessments that are open-ended, complex, process/product-oriented or just can’t be given using traditional assessments? Don’t worry we have you covered! The “Answer Entry” screen has been developed for use when the teacher has pre-scored items and needs a screen to quickly enter several results. Teachers also use this screen to score constructed response items from online assessments. The “Teacher Completed” screen allows teachers to pull up their grading criteria in either a list, grid or rubric format, directly on their smart device. This gives them the freedom to move around from student to student and grade on the fly. Many districts use this screen for Kindergarten screening assessments, reading assessments and other assessments where the teacher is conferencing directly with students. It’s also very popular for use in Music, Physical Education and the Visual Arts.

Tired of waiting for others to create tedious and often times incorrect data reports? Looking to compare KPI’s? That’s where our data reporting comes in! Often referred to as the “heart of eDoctrina,” all of our data reports can be run instantly at the student, teacher, school administrator, district administrator and regional level. They can also be easily filtered by school, grade, subject, course, class and/or student demographic characteristics. Key data reports include: Individual Student, Class Summary, Item Analysis, Class Comparison, & Student-Standards Reports, but the different types of reports you are able to pull is only limited by the user’s imagination. One key characteristic of eDoctrina is that the student owns the data. As students travel throughout their educational career, their assessment results follow them. This allows a new teacher to instantly access their previous assessment results on benchmarks and assessments given by the student’s previous teachers.

Individual student goals can be entered (or imported) and progress toward those goals tracked. eDoctrina’s Student Goals Tracker can make monitoring individual student progress a snap. Educators – especially support teachers (Special Education, AIS, etc.) – love this tool which allows them to track RTI, IEP, MTSS or even individualized behavior goals with ease.

Educators can easily build custom templates to track information on students. This tool is flexible and designed to make it easy to build checklists, forms, etc., and collect this anecdotal data directly in eDoctrina. This tool can be used to create form letters that integrate directly with the RTI/MTSS Tracker module.