eDoctrina proudly offers the INSPECT® question and assessment bank. This bank includes over 60,000 items, the majority of which were written to align with the common-core. In addition to individual items, the INSPECT® bank includes a range of rigorous benchmark assessments and summative assessments. Items are written by professional writers across the country, are all tightly aligned to rigorous curricular standards, range in complexity and difficulty, and reflect the most likely cognitive disconnects in learning. Assessment results can be disaggregated at any student group level and pinpoint specific weaknesses in learning that students are having. Rigorous field-testing and item analyses are conducted to ensure the quality of each item in the INSPECT® question and assessment bank.

What subject areas and grade levels are covered?
The bank features Math and ELA items for grades K-12. The bank also features science items for grades 4-12 and history for grades 5-12. Contact us if you would like a more detailed summary of the number of items in each grade / subject area aligned to your state learning standards.
Are there any cool technology enhanced items?
INSPECT® is on the leading edge of assessment item design and has a vast range of Technology Enhanced Items to challenge your student and prepare them for PARCC and Smarter Balanced Assessments.

Is it easy to use?
The INSPECT® bank is very easy to use. Teachers can search by standard, difficulty, Webb’s DOK or keywords. After finding the question they simply double-click to add it to the assessment. This process saves teachers a tremendous amount of time!
Check out these documents to learn more about INSPECT

Key Features
- 100,000+ items designed specifically for today’s College and Career Readiness Standards
- State-specific Science and Social Studies for CA, TX, FL, and GA
- Pre-built Interim Formative Assessments easily modified to align to your district’s pacing
- Pre-built End-of-Year Practice Assessment prepare students and teachers for high-stakes testing
- Detailed Distractor Rationales and Rubrics arm teachers with specific data for quick, targeted feedback
- Classroom Checkpoint Assessments save teachers time with ready-to-use mini-assessments
- Technology-Enhanced Items
- Spanish-Transadapted and Translated Assessments
Other key features included within Inspect®
- Math Acceleration Placement Test
- Early Literacy and Early Numeracy Assessments
- SBAC Interim Block Mirror Assessments
- English Language Development Benchmarks
- Item-Level Metadata
- Quantitative (Lexile, Flesch-Kincaid) and Qualitative Passage Measures
- Detailed Distractor Rationales and Rubrics
- Item Integrity Development Process
- Ongoing Item Analysis
- Performance Tasks
- New Items Monthly
- Access to Assessment Specialists